Monday, November 15, 2010


Okay just saying.... I'm a little excited!  I've been half counting the days, but now its actually here!

I should explain:

This week could possibly be the best (or worse) week of my life.  There are three events happening and they are all pretty damn awesome!

Number One
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out Wednesday night/Thursday Morning and I am going to the midnight screening!  I think that is pretty excitement worthy.  Plus, this will be the first time I will have been out of the house and my parents haven't stayed up 'till i  got home.  I know that doesn't sound that impressive but for them it's a big step (which they should've made about 10 months ago).

Number Two
It's my friends 18th birthday party on Friday and I'm so excited! I'm not sure if parents will 100% let me go yet however if i can go... Its going to be so much fun!  Especially the dressing up part!

Number Three
This is probably the biggest of them all... My 18th Birthday Party!!! Yes the time is finally here and my cocktail party is going to be SO amazing!  It's taken a little bit (a lot) of organising, arguments and general frustration, but as of tonight, the party is 99% planned out.  I think the only things that are missing are: the Cake (not important),  Decorations (not important),  a bag to match my secret outfit (important) and permission to go out afterwards (v. important).  But apart from that,  the outfit (minus bag), the guest list, the venue, the catering, the sleeping arrangements (for Stephen) and just about everything else is organised!  

All I have to do is wait for this week to roll out.. Slowly...

But now I'm back off to reading my harry potter books.  Until next time...

...with love

grace xx.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Done and Dusted

So I've officially finished university for the semester. :D

I'm not sure if I'm relieved or not, but at least now procrastination isn't an option. I guess now I have more time to focus on other things... like Stephen, and exercise, and keeping my room clean, and other important things like that.

So here's my little thought for today:

I hate exams.  I haven't decided if I hate them more than assignments, but I definitely hate exams.  They would be alright if lectures were more interesting, and compulsory to attend, so I would actually learn the content and not leave it 'till the week before the exam.  However, 'resource sheets' are amazing.  Especially when the writing on them is epically small and people pay you for them.  Obviously in the form of notes for other subjects, baked goods and nice jewelry for birthday presents.  But payment is payment.  I wish that all exams would allow you to have 'resource sheets'. But 2/4 isn't that bad.

I'm a little tired now so that's all from me today.  Hopefully I'll get into the habit of blogging a bit more  regularly.  Until next time...

... with love

grace xx.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fresh Start. Clean Look

Now i can really say wow I haven't been on here in a long time.

I though since blogging is new cool fun thing to do, I'll start mine up again.  Since I was last on here, there have been a lot of changes, but a lot of things have stayed the same too.  I guess when I think about it though, nearly everything has been for the better.  So here goes:

Last time I wrote, I was a mere high school senior about to enter semester 2 of her last year ever of compulsory schooling.  But even then it wasn't really compulsory.  Since then I've grown up, literally (about 1cm to be exact).  I've graduated high school.  I've passed my grade 8 violin.  I've been accepted into university (B. Applied Science/B. Mathematics).  I've completed two semesters of university (and not failed... so far).  I've met lots of new people and made lots of new friends (and lost some old ones... for better or worse).  I've turned 17 and 18 without too much drama.  I've got my own car and I can drive without an adult in the car.  AND.  I've got a real job.

Now I come to actually write about it, I can't think of that much that has stayed the same.  Although, I still have the same amazing boyfriend, Stephen.  I'm still working as a tutor, which is actually starting to pull a fair bit of money in now.  I still play the violin, just not as much anymore.  I'm still just as unorganised if not more so now (and still easily distracted).  I'm still in QYO and the finale concert last weekend was AMAZING.  AND.  I still have the best group of friends in the world.

I guess that's all for now since I have exams in less than a week and I'm not nearly close to being ready for them. So until next time...

... with love

grace xx

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Last Month

Wow I haven't been on here in ages

Here is a little recap of whats been happening in the last month:

'Cause everybody loves exams. But I don't think I actually failed anything except maybe physics but eh

Yeah I went up to Nambour during the middle of exam block for Jane-Mary's First Communion which was awesome :D and then we went back to Steev's for the party. It was pretty cool actually, I got to meet his extended family which was awesome. And i convinced Peter to get pink braces with me :P hehe. But all in all it was an awesome night

More Exams

Athletics Carnival
I CAME THIRD! in 100m. I have never placed in a track or field event ever. And I wore my awesome new hat which I love

I got my braces changed from black and purple to black and pink by request of Peter who is also getting pink braces

For those who don't know QYO stands for Queensland Youth Orchestra and I'm in the 2nd Queensland Youth Orchestra. Anyways we had a concert on Saturday which went very well. Afterwards we went out to dinner to somewhere which I forget then we went to Replay after a lot of walking around led by Kieran. Awesome night

Steev came over before fuel which was awesome. But it was kinda funny cause he had to sprint from the bus stop to my house and he got drenched.....well half drenched hehe, only the front half. Since he was wet he made my room smell like him >.> but yeah it was a good day. And then fuel was awesome. Liz and Libby came which was a first but they had to leave early :( I love Fuel

I am now officially on holidays which is awesome XD


On Friday I'm going on tour with QYO2 which will be freakin awesome

...with love

grace xx.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


this is only goingg to be a really short blog

i HATE with a passion SOR. its probs like my 2nd fave subject but when i dont do my work in class and dont do my assignment etc then i really start to hate it when i have to put in late nights before anything gets done.

but i love laser force and it was totally worth going.... soo much fun XD

and i also love stephen :)

...with love

grace xx.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I like Stuff

Hey everybody

Okay so I'm here in in SOR (Study of Religion) and I'm supposed to be working on my draft which is due on Monday (it's friday btw) but the thing is ive left all my SOR books at home (i hope) or I've lost them. This causes me to become very very very bored which is usually the state of mind I'm in when I'm blogging.

I like stuff. It's pretty freakin awesome. But some stuff I dont like is public transport. It could just be that im terrible with it and never get off at the right stop but still, busses are really annoying. Yesterday I was on a bus and i missed my stop so I had to get off at the next stop. Normally I dont mind the extra walk but there was about a kilometer between the stops. To me that is quite a large distance between stops. And I'm sure I'm not the first person to have missed a stop and then had to walk a long distance between stops. I also know that a kilometre is not a extraordinarily long distance but if its between busstops then yes it is. My other complain about public transport is that busses are nearly always late and if they arent then they are early and the bus drivers are always really snobby and even if they can see you are running to catch the bus they still drive off.

That is all from me for now

...with love

grace xx.

Monday, May 18, 2009



So here's the deal

I'm this thing called Straight Edge (s.x.e) which pretty much means that I don't drink, do drugs or smoke.

Anyways back to my story

I was at a mates bday party on saturday and it never ceases to amaze me how funny ppl are when they are drunk :P

The End

...with love

grace xx.